Using the SDK
Create, Update and Get ReputeX Score
Fully Typescript ready out-of-the box.
🚀 Quick start
1. Install Reputex SDK
The easiest way to integrate the ReputeX SDK into your JavaScript project is through the npm module.
Install the package via npm
npm install @reputex/sdk
or yarn
yarn add @reputex/sdk
2. Initialize the SDK
After your dependency is added, you simply need to initialize ReputeXSdk:
⚠️ Warning: Make sure to keep your api key and secret private
const reputexSdk = new ReputeX(
About Features
ReputeX-SDK is a TypeScript-based software development kit (SDK) that provides an easy-to-use interface to interact with the ReputeX API. The SDK offers 3 Score related functions. To access these functions, users need to have an access key and secret. If you don't have access to these credentials, you can contact the admin for assistance by filing the form.
The SDK offers five Score related functions:
Create ReputeX Score
- Creates a ReputeX score by accepting an address or domain.reputexSdk.score.create(addressOrDomain, { compactBreakdown?: boolean})
: Address or domain for which reputex score need to be generated.Response:
{ "success": true, "data": { "address": "0x32cb9fd13af7635cc90d0713a80188b366a28205", "reputeXScore": 48.12, "legacyReputeXScore": 617.36, "customScore": 48.12, "blacklisted": false, "lastUpdated": "2024-07-19T06:32:50.031Z", "scoreBreakdown": { "ethereum": { "finalScore": 16, "ethereumContribution": 53.15, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 11, "aaveScore": 1, "compoundScore": 0, "tvlScore": 28, "curveScore": 0, "enzymeScore": 0, "eulerScore": 0, "lidoScore": 8, "uniswapScore": 24, "yearnScore": 0, "ironBankScore": 0, "riskScore": 0, "eigenLayerScore": 42 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 40, "appsInteractionScore": 34, "ensScore": 90, "txHistoryScore": 60, "udScore": 0, "gitcoinScore": 20, "fsaScore": 38 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 3, "metaverseScore": 0, "nftScore": 0, "nftTradingScore": 18, "poolTogetherScore": 0, "sandboxScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0, "uniswapDaoScore": 0 } }, "polygon": { "finalScore": 27, "polygonContribution": 9.79, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 18, "aaveScore": 7, "tvlScore": 16, "riskScore": 0, "uniswapScore": 34 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 47, "appsInteractionScore": 80, "txHistoryScore": 72, "udScore": 0, "fsaScore": 28 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0, "poolTogetherScore": 0, "sandboxScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0 } }, "bsc": { "finalScore": 23, "binanceContribution": 6.29, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 9, "tvlScore": 14, "venusScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 45, "appsInteractionScore": 60, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 18 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0 } }, "avalanche": { "finalScore": 15, "avalancheContribution": 2.8, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 1, "aaveScore": 2, "tvlScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 38, "appsInteractionScore": 42, "txHistoryScore": 62, "fsaScore": 12 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0, "poolTogetherScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0 } }, "arbitrum": { "finalScore": 18, "arbitrumContribution": 6.29, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 11, "aaveScore": 0, "tvlScore": 22, "uniswapScore": 44, "yearnScore": 0, "abracadabraScore": 0, "siloFinanceScore": 0, "qiDaoScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 46, "appsInteractionScore": 32, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 36 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0 } }, "optimism": { "finalScore": 23, "optimismContribution": 4.9, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 11, "aaveScore": 2, "tvlScore": 15, "uniswapScore": 30, "qiDaoScore": 0, "sushiSwapScore": 0, "curveScore": 8, "sonneFinanceScore": 20 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 44, "appsInteractionScore": 60, "txHistoryScore": 68, "fsaScore": 6 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 56, "farcasterScore": 56 } }, "base": { "finalScore": 33, "baseContribution": 4.2, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 24, "tvlScore": 11, "aaveScore": 66, "uniswapScore": 32, "sushiSwapScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 46, "appsInteractionScore": 66, "txHistoryScore": 72, "fsaScore": 6 } }, "moonbeam": { "finalScore": 21, "moonbeamContribution": 2.8, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 20, "tvlScore": 47, "curveScore": 0, "sushiSwapScore": 8, "moonwellScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 30, "appsInteractionScore": 0, "txHistoryScore": 46, "fsaScore": 28 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0, "moonwellDaoScore": 0 } }, "linea": { "finalScore": 23, "lineaContribution": 4.2, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 20, "tvlScore": 15, "pancakeSwapScore": 22, "sushiSwapScore": 6, "syncSwapScore": 48, "nileExchangeScore": 0, "iZiSwapScore": 54, "zeroLendScore": 2 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 45, "appsInteractionScore": 82, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 6 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0 } }, "zkSyncEra": { "finalScore": 40, "zkSyncEraContribution": 5.59, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 36, "tvlScore": 15, "pancakeSwapScore": 26, "syncSwapScore": 56, "koiFinanceScore": 76, "iZiSwapScore": 28 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 48, "appsInteractionScore": 100, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 6 } } }, "syncBlockNumber": { "ethereum": 20338800, "polygon": 59540288, "bsc": 40602051, "avalanche": 48156025, "arbitrum": 233750109, "optimism": 122885925, "base": 17290694, "moonbeam": 6645758, "linea": 6983742, "zkSyncEra": 39474682 } }, "message": "Score calculated successfully.", "error": "" }
Update ReputeX Score
- Updates an existing ReputeX score by accepting the an address or domain.reputexSdk.score.update(addressOrDomain)
: Address or domain for which reputex score need to be updated.Response:
{ "success": true, "data": { "address": "0x5989558fccbd33ec184087b36f2ad8e6adcc70cd", "data": { "score": 579.17 } }, "message": "Score successfully updated!", "error": "" }
Get Score Breakdown
- Fetches the score breakdown of a ReputeX score by accepting the address or domain and returns an object containing the score breakdown.reputexSdk.score.getBreakdown(addressOrDomain)
: Address or domain for which reputex breakdown score needs to fetched.compactBreakdown
: Boolean flag which will return which only give reputex score.Response:
{ "success": true, "data": { "address": "0x32cb9fd13af7635cc90d0713a80188b366a28205", "reputeXScore": 48.12, "legacyReputeXScore": 617.36, "customScore": 48.12, "blacklisted": false, "lastUpdated": "2024-07-19T06:32:50.031Z", "scoreBreakdown": { "ethereum": { "finalScore": 16, "ethereumContribution": 53.15, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 11, "aaveScore": 1, "compoundScore": 0, "tvlScore": 28, "curveScore": 0, "enzymeScore": 0, "eulerScore": 0, "lidoScore": 8, "uniswapScore": 24, "yearnScore": 0, "ironBankScore": 0, "riskScore": 0, "eigenLayerScore": 42 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 40, "appsInteractionScore": 34, "ensScore": 90, "txHistoryScore": 60, "udScore": 0, "gitcoinScore": 20, "fsaScore": 38 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 3, "metaverseScore": 0, "nftScore": 0, "nftTradingScore": 18, "poolTogetherScore": 0, "sandboxScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0, "uniswapDaoScore": 0 } }, "polygon": { "finalScore": 27, "polygonContribution": 9.79, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 18, "aaveScore": 7, "tvlScore": 16, "riskScore": 0, "uniswapScore": 34 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 47, "appsInteractionScore": 80, "txHistoryScore": 72, "udScore": 0, "fsaScore": 28 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0, "poolTogetherScore": 0, "sandboxScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0 } }, "bsc": { "finalScore": 23, "binanceContribution": 6.29, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 9, "tvlScore": 14, "venusScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 45, "appsInteractionScore": 60, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 18 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0 } }, "avalanche": { "finalScore": 15, "avalancheContribution": 2.8, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 1, "aaveScore": 2, "tvlScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 38, "appsInteractionScore": 42, "txHistoryScore": 62, "fsaScore": 12 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0, "poolTogetherScore": 0 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0 } }, "arbitrum": { "finalScore": 18, "arbitrumContribution": 6.29, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 11, "aaveScore": 0, "tvlScore": 22, "uniswapScore": 44, "yearnScore": 0, "abracadabraScore": 0, "siloFinanceScore": 0, "qiDaoScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 46, "appsInteractionScore": 32, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 36 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0 } }, "optimism": { "finalScore": 23, "optimismContribution": 4.9, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 11, "aaveScore": 2, "tvlScore": 15, "uniswapScore": 30, "qiDaoScore": 0, "sushiSwapScore": 0, "curveScore": 8, "sonneFinanceScore": 20 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 44, "appsInteractionScore": 60, "txHistoryScore": 68, "fsaScore": 6 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 56, "farcasterScore": 56 } }, "base": { "finalScore": 33, "baseContribution": 4.2, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 24, "tvlScore": 11, "aaveScore": 66, "uniswapScore": 32, "sushiSwapScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 46, "appsInteractionScore": 66, "txHistoryScore": 72, "fsaScore": 6 } }, "moonbeam": { "finalScore": 21, "moonbeamContribution": 2.8, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 20, "tvlScore": 47, "curveScore": 0, "sushiSwapScore": 8, "moonwellScore": 0 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 30, "appsInteractionScore": 0, "txHistoryScore": 46, "fsaScore": 28 }, "socialImpactScore": { "finalScore": 0, "moonwellDaoScore": 0 } }, "linea": { "finalScore": 23, "lineaContribution": 4.2, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 20, "tvlScore": 15, "pancakeSwapScore": 22, "sushiSwapScore": 6, "syncSwapScore": 48, "nileExchangeScore": 0, "iZiSwapScore": 54, "zeroLendScore": 2 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 45, "appsInteractionScore": 82, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 6 }, "metaCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 0, "nftScore": 0 } }, "zkSyncEra": { "finalScore": 40, "zkSyncEraContribution": 5.59, "defiCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 36, "tvlScore": 15, "pancakeSwapScore": 26, "syncSwapScore": 56, "koiFinanceScore": 76, "iZiSwapScore": 28 }, "credibilityCategoryScore": { "finalScore": 48, "appsInteractionScore": 100, "txHistoryScore": 64, "fsaScore": 6 } } }, "syncBlockNumber": { "ethereum": 20338800, "polygon": 59540288, "bsc": 40602051, "avalanche": 48156025, "arbitrum": 233750109, "optimism": 122885925, "base": 17290694, "moonbeam": 6645758, "linea": 6983742, "zkSyncEra": 39474682 } }, "message": "ReputeX Score exists for the address.", "error": "" }
All the functions in the ReputeX-SDK return a Promise, making it easy to handle asynchronous operations. The SDK uses Axios to make HTTP requests to the ReputeX API, and it also provides basic validation for the input parameters.
All functions in the SDK return a unique response object of type ServerResponse<Type>
, which includes the following properties:
: a boolean that indicates whether the request was successful or
: a nullable property that contains the response data, which is of typeType
: a string that provides additional information about the request and response.error
: a string that contains the error message, if the request was not successful.
Last updated